Wedding Gifts for Rhinos
All design agencies regularly get asked to do all manner of freebies for good causes, it comes with the territory. We almost always say no. It’s not that we are mean but we’ve had several bad experiences like endlessly being mucked about and then never hearing a word back once the work has been completed. We prefer to pick our good causes ourselves early in the year and keep it at that.
This one, however, must have caught us in a rare moment of weakness. Who in their right mind would entertain the idea of designing a logo for Wedding Gifts for Rhinos? Well, we fell for it and I am really pleased we did.
A couple we have never met got married and managed to persuade their family and friends (perhaps helped in a very small way by our logo) to give money to a rhino charity instead of buying wedding presents. This raised over £2,600 which would otherwise have gone on toast racks and other things the couple are happy to live without. Mike and Sam McGill hope their wedding gifts will help enable their children and grandchildren to experience African wildlife in its native habitat which – being South African – they have been fortunate to have enjoyed themselves. Read about it on their website:
We wish Mike, Sam and the African Rhinos the very best for the future.
If you need a logo for your good cause in aid of neglected and abandoned toast racks… please try somewhere else.