Living Music Studio
The team at Living Music Studio are developing a concept where artists can escape all distractions and focus solely on their medium. With wide diversity in the music industry, it was important to get a professional look and an ecliptic brand that fitted.
The founder of the studio already had a couple of ideas on certain elements and styles but worked closely with Logo Design to explore other avenues, going through three stages of concept design to hit on the right look. We love new diverse projects at Logo Design and will enjoy working with the team at Living Music Studio as their project grows.
Industry type: Music industry
Having a great logo for the music industry is essential for the company’s success. The music industry is highly competitive! There are countless artists vying for attention. A compelling logo design can set an artist apart from the crowd and help them stand out in a visually saturated market.
This is why we have worked hard to create a logo that stands out from Living Music Studio’s competitors and has created a compelling design that creates raving fans. We have had to overcome the following challenges:
Some common logo design problems faced in the music industry:
- Lack of originality: many companies in the music industry tend to create logo’s which can be deemed as the term ‘basic.’ They blend in with existing logo’s of music industry companies. Going along with the herd as you may know is not the most rewarding route – this is the only path to disaster. A lack of originality makes it hard for artists to stand out in an already crowded industry
2.Complex or busy designs: I’m sure you have previously seen a design and were thinking ‘what do i look at?’ Complexity draws away attention. It is unfortunate that some logos in the music industry suffer from being overly complex or cluttered.
3. poor legibility: it cannot get more frustrating when you have to squint while reading letters in a logo, I know that personally this would put my off engaging in that brand pretty fast. this is a big issue as it can undermine your logo’s effectiveness in creating brand recognition.