EDUCATION SECTOR: Growing your Academy school
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A professional presence both on and offline is a key asset for an academy school
A recent piece by Robert Hill at The London Centre for Leadership in Learning at University College London summarised the key challenges facing Academy Schools over the next ten years.
He starts by noting that there will be 650,000 more pupils in the school system than there are today as the pupil bulge continues in the primary sector and later in secondary schools. Teacher recruitment will clearly continue to be an issue as over the past three years 6,000 fewer teachers have been trained than the government planned for.
Growing the leadership pipeline is another issue as around 10,000 heads, deputies and assistant heads are aged 55 and over and many will be retiring over the next few years. Funding constraints, Curriculum and assessment change and Accountability measures will remain a constant challenge according to Mr Hill and naturally improving attainment will be a focus for all schools, not just academies. Impact of technology. The challenge to enable and empower students to co-design with teachers in a disciplined way how they learn and acquire knowledge. The potential for technology to support teachers working with teachers is also woefully underdeveloped.
At Logo CCP we have been working on a number of projects for Academy Groups, most recently with Coast Academies.
Our client faced the same challenges mentioned above and so our role was to work with them providing a professional service to help them grow their group.
The first task was to understand their ethos and make sure their brand was correct, that it matched their values and beliefs and that each school within the group would happily retain its own identity while drawing on the strengths of the group.
With a solid brand in place we could then move on to design the all-important logo.
We then worked through various important items including a website and style for individual schools within the group.
Considering how a website can dramatically improve parent / teacher communications is one important and sometimes overlooked aspect of a school’s online strategy.
Ken Kies of Coast Academies said:’ The work done by Logo was vital in that it gave us all a confidence and ability to promote our business to the various stakeholders. Teacher recruitment, while still a challenge, is much easier if you’ve a professional organised online presence.